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Jun 29, 2020

Dr. Leighton Flowers takes questions LIVE on Soteriology 101.

Here are some of the questions on the docket:

Did you see James White’s rebuttal of Allen’s article, yet? Thoughts?

Leighton, How can you believe that you're not better than the lost since you made the right decision and they made the wrong one?

What other explanation is there than you are somehow better than they are? And why couldn’t you boast in that?

On what verses do Calvinists typically base their view of pre-faith regeneration?

In my experience, it seems impossible to get someone to leave TULIP. Its as if they cannot even see our side of things once they put on those lenses. Was there one main point that led you to start questioning Calvinism and how can we get others to see that too?

Can you respond to this ARTICLE by Bobby Grow…